
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011 and One Little Word

Happy 2011 to all our family and friends.  2010 had it share of craziness, but we have been very blessed in so many ways.  Thank you to everyone who loved on us by bringing and sending gifts and meals, providing rides for the boys, celebrating birthdays, hosting hotel sleepovers, giving swimming lessons, running/walking marathons, sending cards and emails, etc.  A very huge thank you to Nana for putting her life on hold for the last 6 months so that she could take care of Paul and Nicolas.  Thank you, Mom, we could not have made it this far without you.  We love you.  Another huge thank you goes to Auntie Vicki, who has been "homeless" for the last 6 months due to fire damage, but has been there to help Nana out with the boys.  Thank you, Auntie Vicki, for all that you have done for us.  We love you too!  We pray for a healthy and joyful 2011 for you all!

For the last couple years, I have selected "one little word" for the new year.  One word to think on and attempt to incorporate in my life.  In the past, I have chosen such words a "joy" and "gratitude" and really tried to see and experience "the words".  This year I am breaking the rules (really, there are no rules) and I have selected 5 little words:
Wherever you are, be there!
This book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, inspired me to "be present and be grateful".  It is an amazing book and a very quick read.  Life changing, really! 

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