Emilie had a pony party for her 6th birthday party. Super fun except the ponies did not like Eric. Go figure!
Eric celebrated his 40th birthday. We surprised him with a birthday party at a favorite Mexican restaurant. Many of his friends joined us as well as one of his good friends from Fresno. At 40, he still has his youthful glow (a big bushy mustache does wonders on a man!)!
Emilie really progressed this year playing girl's softball. She is great at hitting without using a tee! Here she is showing off her 2006 season trophy!
In June, Emilie and I went to Illinois for my niece's wedding. What fun we had without the boys. The wedding reception was in a barn (a retired pig barn) and it was the most wonderfully creative reception that I have been to. Emilie and I are searching for homes with a barn in hopes that she can have her wedding reception in a barn. We have about 20 years to find one! Here is Emilie next to one of 5 tractors (and a giant at that) that were parked near the barn. Pretty exciting for "city slicker girls".
Our "frosting on the cake" turned 2 this year, but he thinks he is closer to 10. We celebrated with a small party at our house and enjoyed watching Nicolas OOH and AAH over all his gifts (even the wrapping paper).
The 2006 baseball season ended with Paul making the 9 year old all-star team. His team lost one game (it was a double elimination tournament), but came back to beat the same team into smithereens. We had a great month and a half of all-star games! Check out our local paper!
This year both Paul and Emilie sang in the kid's choir for our church's Christmas musical. Wow, they both did a great job.
During our Christmas break, we had an adventure at our favorite railroad station. Check out the crazy characters we saw there!
OH, WOW!!!
The cousins look SO OLD! I almost can't handle it. (Looks like you dodged the camera in all the pictures, though, Miss Patti!) I miss you all so much. I hope very soon a visit can be figured out!
Love you all!
Glad to see so many young (you too Eric) SOX fans on the west coast.
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