It's my Auntie Vicki's birthday today and we celebrated yesterday here at the hospital with a lovely lunch at the LPCH cafeteria followed by a yummy assortment of birthday cakes. Now you can cross "celebrate birthday at LPCH" off your bucket list! Glad we could help you with that one. Happy Birthday Auntie Vicki...we love you.
At the beginning of the year I started documenting my weekly gratitude. Well, I am not caught up, but decided to continue as I have lots of time on my hands and many, many things to be grateful for.
Here goes...
Speaking of gratitude, I just read this quote in
Holy Experience, my new favorite blog.
“The more I study gratitude, the more I have come to believe that an authentic, deeply held sense of gratefulness toward life may require some degree of contrast or deprivation.
One truly appreciates a mild spring after a harsh winter, a gourmet meal following a fast….Some blessings are not known until they are lost.
[In the study of individuals with neuromuscular diseases, researchers]
“were also struck by the redemptive twist that occurred in nearly one-half of these narratives:
out of something bad (suffering, adversity, affliction) comes something good (new life, new opportunities) for which the person feels profoundly grateful.”
~ Richard Emmons