
Thursday, July 1, 2010

DNA, Bone Marrow and Frosting

In 2003, when I first found out that I was pregnant with #3, I was in total shock!  Two kids seemed just right and really, how in the world could a 40 year old be pregnant? (No need to answer, I finally figured it out.)  I accepted reality and trusted that God had a great plan in place.  I quickly fell madly in love with "Baby E".  After Nicolas' birth, we realized that our family of 5 was perfect!  We refer to Nicolas as "the frosting on our cake".  This morning, I received a patient family report for bone marrow transplant which, after blood draws, shows which family member would be the best bone marrow donor.  They gather this information early on in the event a bone marrow transplant is needed.  I've believed that God has a special plan for my kids.  Presently, it is looking like God has a great purpose for Nicolas as Nicolas' bone marrow would be the best match for Emilie.  When things seem crazy and out of control, God is always in control and has a purpose and plan for everything.  I'm blown away by how much God loves us and cares for us!

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.   Jeremiah 1:5

Before an architect constructs a building, he meticulously puts every detail on paper, every component needed to make his dream into a reality. The idea is first conceived in his mind, then is transferred on paper, and then when everything is just perfect, he starts the process of building his creation. In my own limited understanding of God's creation process, this is how I imagine it to be. He first conceived us in His mind, and with great thoughts of love, He began to chart every detail of our DNA in preparation for the time when he would form us in our mother's womb. What a wonderful thought, to know that the God of the universe knew us intimately and set us apart for His purposes even before we were conceived!


drewsmom said...

That's amazing. I can never understand the way God fits all pieces together. Keep us up to date, and let us know if they/you decide to do a marrow drive. We would be willing to be tested.

drewsmom said...

That last comment is from the McPherson's in case you didn't know who drewsmom was.

Aimee Pool said...

Wow, that is wonderful. I truly believe that God does not make mistakes and he has a plan and purpose for each and every person on this earth. This story is very touching!

God Bless,
Aimee Pool

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers all day long. So with every blessing there is great rejoicing in our family. Thank you for sharing your journey. Even though we are far away right now, know that we are walking with you. You are all so amazing. Great job Emilie!

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers all day long. So with every blessing there is great rejoicing in our family. Thank you for sharing your journey. Even though we are far away right now, know that we are walking with you. You are all so amazing. Great job Emilie!
The Josselyns

Shanny said...

This was/is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts. Lots of <3

Mrs. Kitch said...
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Mrs. Kitch said...

How wonderful to see God's hand so clearly in a difficult situation! I really appreciate your perspective Patti and the way you've expressed it in word. I have been so encouraged by you and Em. I wish it could be the other way around!

Aunt Linda said...

Today is July 4. We are away from home and had no computer access until today. WHAT AMAZING NEWS!!! It is wonderful to see God's plan in action!
I love you all and pray for you every day.

Unknown said...

Hi Em,
I'm leaving something for you in a FedEx envelope outside your house with a note from me.
I bet you were happy to see Sandy and I would really like to come and see you if my parents can bring me (and to see Carley too).
From Savannah Thompson (from my Mom's email)